Hispanic Serving Institution (Title V Grant)
Pathway to Excellence “Camino a la Excelencia”
正规靠谱赌博软件 is a designated Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
The Title V Hispanic Serving Institution grant is a five-year, federal competitive grant for eligible Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) and is directed by the Department of Education’s Office of Post-Secondary Education. The Title V HSI Grant assists with strengthening institutional programs, facilities, and services to expand the educational opportunities for Hispanic Americans and other underrepresented populations. Title V grants enable HSI institutions to expand and enhance their academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability.
Pathway to Excellence "Camino a la Excelencia"
Pathway to Excellence or Camino a la Excelencia, a Title V Grant project, expands upon the College's mission as a learning-centered institution that embraces academic excellence by providing multiple pathways to student success. The Pathway to Excellence project has two main goals, to increase access to higher education and student success in higher education, for all students in the community. A particular focus is placed on Hispanic, low-income and first generation (high-need) students at critical points in their education.
Overcoming the Odds to Find Success
正规靠谱赌博软件 seeks to target its entire student population via the activities of this grant, as the vast majority of our students are disadvantaged or underserved in one way or another. The activities proposed range from improving the onboarding process to expansion of student supports (tutoring, peer mentoring, etc.) to the provision of mental health services, and more. 正规靠谱赌博软件’s student population faces many challenges that impede access to higher education (Goal 1), success (Goal 2) in college once enrolled, the resolution of socioemotional needs (Goal 3), and affordability, access, completion, and post-enrollment success (Goal 4). 正规靠谱赌博软件 seeks to use grant funds to implement activities which will: result in an increased number of applications to the College, especially among Hispanic and first-generation students; enable students to accelerate to college-level coursework and successfully complete coursework at higher rates; result in higher fall-to-spring and fall to-fall retention rates; and increase post-enrollment success and expand affordable higher education opportunities to rural and underserved populations.
Free Student and Faculty Resources
- Tutor.com: The expert tutors at Tutor.com work one-on-one to help you with a tough homework problem,
improve your writing skills, study for a test, review a difficult concept, and so
much more! This service is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Learn how to use Tutor.com by downloading these instructions
- Career Exploration Center: What's your career vision? Use this online service to find careers that match your strengths-and discover programs that will prepare you for success.
View More Pathway to Excellence services available at the Excelencia Center in the Ruby Fuller Building.
CAREER COACH: Discover majors, in-demand careers, and education based on your interest! Future and current students can do the following: take career assessments, browse careers, browse programs of study, build a resume. Visit http://lamarpa.emsicc.com or scan the QR code. - Title V Department
Dr. Lona Alexander-Mitchell
Title V Grant Project Director II
Ruby Fuller Building, Office 113
(409) 984-6225
Trenida Lewis
Project Director of Pathways and Excelencia Center
Ruby Fuller Building, Office 235
(409) 984-6235
Gabriela Ghorayeb
Academic Coach
Ruby Fuller Building, Office 242A
(409) 984-6245
Nini Tran
Transfer Career and Advising Specialist
Ruby Fuller Building, Office 111
(409) 984-6243
Andrea Becerra
Activity and Outreach Coordinator
Ruby Fuller Building, Office 110
(409) 984-6289
Alenka Porras Lujan
Student Success Advocate
Ruby Fuller Building, Office 110
(409) 984-6288